Category Archives: Accordion

Accordion for Child Pages of “About Lidcombe Program” page.


Bettina Freerk
Private Practitioner, Lueneburg, Germany
Bettina Freerk has been specialising in the treatment of stuttering since 1988. Initially she worked at the University Clinic in Hamburg. Since 1992, she has been a private practitioner, working solely with children who stutter and more recently also specialising in children with selective mutism. In addition to working as a private practitioner, she actively attends and contributes to special interest groups in Germany, presents at conferences within Germany and contributes to publications in German. In 2010 she became a Certified Stuttering Therapist by the Interdisziplinaere Vereinigung der Stottertherapeuten (Interdisciplinary Association of Stutteringtherapists). She continues to work with children who stutter in her private practice and contributes to intensive programs for adolescents and adults.



Véronique Aumont Boucand
Véronique Aumont Boucand is the Director of a Fluency Disorders Education Program for Specialists at the University of Paris 6. She is also a professor for Speech-Language Pathology Education Program at the Universities of Paris 6 and Besançon. She is Vice-President of the French Stuttering Association: Association Parole Bégaiement. Véronique has conducted many training events on stuttering for the speech-language pathology community in France. She has also written two books, produced two DVDs and many articles on the topic of stuttering.